When she was shooting me, Asako said, "I was expecting you to be more like when you do your self portraits. You're being all like a cute girl." Well, I guess I was laughing and feeling a bit silly, so I stuck my tongue out at her, took a deep breath and said, "I'll try to give you what you want. :P"
"Okay, now you have attitude."
Hey girl, how is paris treating you? :) I hope you're enjoying yourself. Miss ya! Andrea
My one day in Paris has been nice, had a meeting with one art director, and I'll write more next, but now it's the weekend and I'll get to actually sightsee! :P
Miss you too, sweetness~ Don't let the hyenas bite!
:) right now its more the flying fish...
love your "attitude" pic ^O^ it looks like those JRock band CD covers where those ppl like Hyde =P ....yeah, they always look like they've got an attitude and are ready for some street fight ... like "Lang zai, nei bin dou gar? " hahaha
ok, that's your silly sis being silly again. Best of luck in your upcoming meetings. And have fun sight-seeing !! =D i still remember that time we climbed up the stairs all the way to the top of Notre Dame. tired, but t'was quite a feat .heh ^__^
Holy crap! Your apartment! It's...it's EMPTY! Wow. Never thought I'd see that.
Have fun frolicking among les parisiennes and remember this handy phrase: "Je suis Canadienne." Heh. Safe travels!
Please say hi to the Opera Garnier for me.
Andrea -- Flying fishies! Let them be disembodied no longer. :P (I started the book, but haven't gotten very far... these 2 days have been a bit tiring. x_x Sorry!)
Momo-ko~! -- I can take hyde in a fight. Seriously. I can beat the crap out of him. He's, what? 5'3"?? :P And yes I remember! It's the reason I don't feel the need to climb to the top of the Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe -- COS WE'VE DONE IT ALREADY. :P
Jess -- (You're here!!) Holy crap indeed. Which is why it was important that we documented it. It was the most unnatural sight ever. And yes, I remember that piece of advice from watching Mr. Izzard, but don't forget that actually, "Je suis chinoise"!! :P
Adriana -- I passed under it, as in, I was on the Metro and passed through the Opera station. Does that count??
Mimi, I know you speak French, but if you ever are talking in English to a Frenchman, what I'd like you to do is to start putting ze acce'nt on ze wrong' syla'ble, just like they do. You should see your interlocutor's eyes cross over as she's trying to figure out why what is clearly a fellow fille de la patrie is getting all anglo-saxon on her. :P
Did you meet up with Elva, by the way? You really ought to, she's very nice, and she is a real epicurean, so she'll know the best omelette place in Paris for you. :)
Pijus -- I don't speak francaise! :P I know a *few* words/phrases only... Can navigate the city okay, but am having the trouble mostly at restaurants. :P And I did have dinner with Elva, at a nice brasserie... (and it was only with her help that I was able to order off of the menu! x_x)
スライムの女王さま ー ちゃんと読める!すごい!体をお大事に...無理しないでね。私はもう、疲れてる。歩きすぎ。本当にやばいです。水曜日の夜は撮影...ちょっと緊張してる。でも何とかなる!そう!きっと!ああああ〜:P (私の文法って変なとこあるかな?^_^;)
キングスライム — うふふ、ありがとう〜 (If we keep this up though, I'm sure I will totally mess up. :P But it's fun!)
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