There's a LOT I can write up, these past 3 days have been quite tiring (my own fault, really), but there were useful things, and interesting and fun things too (esp. museums*). But it's nearly 2am, and I need to get up for a meeting tomorrow morning, so I'll write more next! :P
I *heart* you all.
*: Pijus, it would interest you to know that the Cezanne Pissarro exhibit that we saw in New York has followed me to the Musee d'Orsay... I found my museum experiences here to be quite funny, and ironic. (Okay, one more tidbit, then BED: I left LA to go to Paris, only to go to the Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume and find an exhibit of Ed Ruscha's photos of LA/California...)
Mimi, while you're out inhaling the artistic-vision-inducing vapours of absinthe in Paris, we're beating the bushes for you here in New York. Ona's roommate in college is now a hot-shot manager at Bloomingdales, and she promissed to see if she could scare up some work up for you. What we need is your resume, mademoiselle. Mais, on doit l'envoier bientot, parceque elle va partir pour sa vacation la semmaine prochaine!
As for that Cezanne-Pissaro show, what you ought to to is to walk into the second room, and sniff loudly, "oh, they did that so much better in New York"! :) Prepare to duck as Gallic pride goes nova.
Wait, wasn't that cezanne pissaro exhibit also at lacma? I remember missing it earlier this year :( hahaha. I wish I could soak up some of that inspiration with you. Have a severe case of "artist block" and no Mimi to whip me into shape! Andrea
Pijus -- Dude, I had to BABELFISH yo ass to understand the urgency of your request. What the hell? :P (And are you sure she wants my *resume*? Most people want portfolios/images?) Thank you so much for being my pimp. I'll be sure to outfit you with lotsa *BLING*.
Miss A -- Don't know if it went through lacma, as was not paying attention... :P :P :P What I loved the most was the exhibit of contemporary dutch photography at the Maison Europeenne de Photographie. It rocked. Too bad it's closed today (and tomorrow), I got the show's catalogue, but there's a monograph of one of the featured photographers that I wanted to get but forgot. (AAAAIIIII~!! x_x Am so frustrated.) And I got your email w/the tiger. Watch your inbox! You'll get it together fine, girl. *flying fishies!*
Sorry! Katherine, your friend of only like 25 years, insisted that you're pretty conversant in French. :P As for the substance, sure, if it's customary to send portfolios, then let's have the portfolio; I do think she wants your resume as well, however.
Pijus -- Did you think I was kidding when I kept commenting back to the effect of "je ne parle pas francais"? (Of course, but saying that in french, I'm contradicting myself... :P) I think Miss Kat is remembering that I've had about a summer's worth of it... which is how I can figure out stuff like ordering the vert, but doesn't really help with the rest of the menu. (I think I've known her for, oh, what, 20 years? I think she needs an extra 5 to get this piece of information corrected in her memory banks. :P)
I'll try to get something together tomorrow for ya, my dear pimp... *BLINGBLING* *BIG PURPLE COAT*
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