So the World Cup has started! Saw a couple of guys on the street, in the subway, sporting the shirts of their teams... at a cross walk, one guy yelled "ENGLAND!" and then went on his way.
Still, that one graffiti I found at the Grand Canyon takes the cake...
今日Graduation Meetingに行ってきて焦ってきたよぉぉぉ。。早く卒業しちゃいたい(T−T)。
焦らないで、just enjoy Art Center as much as you can, while you're still there. I know it's hard when there's so much work to do, but hang in there! It'll be over before you know it.
And yes, I thought of you. World Cup と言えば、England. England と言えば、ベッカム様。ベッカム様と言えば、美幸ちゃん。:P I hope they do well this year!
i am all about the world cup.
sweden had a draw. i thought the vikings would conquer, but oh well...i will rally for UK.
I sorta default to rooting for England... though Brazil or somebody like that will probably dominate, as per usual.
(Also, abundant eye candy. :P)
wwhhhaaaaaattt!!!!!!!?????!!!!! i will have to refrain from reading your comments for the next 4 weeks then, because... well... ENGLAND????? tsk. so, anyone who saw the game last night... yay germany!!! hahahaha. you should be here mimi, its crazy! fans from all over the world, the trains are overflowing, the streets full with flags, people, singing(well, whatever one can call singing these days ;)), last night the city ( and this is sleepy retirement city luebeck midn you) never went to sleep... its nice to come home to this if anything...
A ha ha ha ha~ Well, I like the English team, but I don't expect too much, and I'm not as rabid a fan as some. :P
I watched the Germany game, and I rooted for them! There was that one attack when it hit the post, and then hit the post again, it made me so stressed out. :P But goal at the 91st minute!!! I was screaming in my apartment. I still remember staying up to watch them win the World Cup in 1990... still remember Klinsmann playing then... (Why the hell is he not letting Kahn start??)
You know what a good game was yesterday? Tunisia vs. Saudi Arabia. BWAAA~!! Such an exciting close game! In mean, you'd think it's all over when it's 2-1 at 84 minutes, but it's tied at 92 minutes!!
Wish I was at least in Hong Kong for this... need more atmosphere in general. :P
Also: I'm finding the CAPTAIN'S ARMBAND to be TOTALLY HAWT.
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