Saturday, April 29, 2006
run to the hills

Steve was so kind and took us on a tour of the pretty pretty mountains, and made us dinner, and french toast for breakfast! Andrea and I also played some piano at Steve and Irene's place, sight reading, me right hand, she left hand... we certainly got better on the repeats.
Friday, April 28, 2006
beer garden of the gods
I thought we had agreed that there'd be No Hiking on this trip!? We cheated and hiked a bit at the Garden of the Gods Park. Very interesting rock formations. (The one my car was looking at is called Kissing Camels.) Re: name of park, apparently, one guy said "This would be a great place for a beer garden!" and another guy said, "This place is fit for the gods!" Thus --> (Beer) Garden of the Gods.
In Estes Park now, Eeeeka's dad Steve was so kind and took us on a tour of the Rocky Mountain National Park. More on that later!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
lets open up a restaurant in santa fe

Thank you to Adriana for restaurant and sights recommendations! The Shed was really good -- we first tried to have dinner there, but was foiled by time zone change. (We missed it by something like 2 minutes. ARGH!) So we tried it again for lunch. I had tacos with chicken cooked in green chile, and Andrea had something I can't pronounce.
Of course, we both had margaritas~
same town, different girls

We had a great time. We saw the Cathedral, but we spent most of the afternoon on an adventure of Santa Fe + print making. Started with the Palace of the Governors to see the print shop and there happened to be a the printing/letter press exhibit as well in the museum (presses, prints, plates...). Beautiful art. Then we were pointed at a print making gallery as well, and saw even more prints.
I *am* hanging out with an illustrator/print maker, aren't I? Kisses to you, Miss Andrea.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
i'll be your mirror
Everybody go to Andrea's road trip blog for the reverse angle of this trip!
Also check her illustrations blog and website in case you haven't yet. That girl kicks some serious ass.
we learned something today

On our way to Santa Fe, we passed through the Petrified Forest National Park. Now we know what petroglyphs are.
(And no, the petrified wood did not appear because somebody came over with a wand and yelled "Petrificus totalus!" Stop, my fevered brain. Miyuki, it's all your fault cos you kept playing the HP movies while I was staying with you! :P)
grand canyon by sunset or bust

Aka Day 1. We made really good time and got there by 4:30pm-ish. Before the trip, I told Asako that I would be stopping at the Grand Canyon. Her response: "Why would you want to stop there? It's a big hole in the ground. And it looks just like the photos."
Asako's right, it is a big hole in the ground. And does look just like the photos. It's quite fantastic though. Walked around the trail around the south rim of the canyon, and waited for sunset.

Monday, April 24, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
On the food theme, we cooked lunch at home today. Somen served hot with bok choy in chicken soup, and shiitake, enoki and white mushrooms sauteed in butter and garlic.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
ramen, crepes, cheesecakes, omelettes, curry, fries
I don't know if it works that way for everybody, but I very often associate food with places, as in, when I visit a city, I have a list of "must hit" food things in mind (e.g. whenever I'm in Boston, I want to go to Bertucci's at least once if not twice :P).
Am back in LA for a few weeks, staying with Miyuki. Last night, we made a preliminary list of where we want to go eat, and that starts today!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
beauty school dropout
Last night, I met Miss Kitty's friend Melanie, and we had a drink at the Beauty Bar. (Now I'll actually know what you're talking about when you refer to it, Kitty. :P)
In other news: I've just signed a lease!!
(It's on the Upper East Side, of all places. I wouldn't have looked at that part of town, but by some freak chance that particular listing popped up when I did a craigslist search. Soon, I'll be moving to a neighbourhood where I can fall out of bed and land in Prada, but have to walk 5 blocks or more before I see a grocery store...)
you don't need a blogger account to comment, my peeps
It has been brought to my attention that I should clarify: you don't need a Blogger account to comment on my blog! Just click on "Other" or "Anonymous" and you can comment.
Please! Send me luv.
(Remember to sign your name somehow, so I know who's writing what! :P)
Please! Send me luv.
(Remember to sign your name somehow, so I know who's writing what! :P)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
london: fire! killmaimdestroy!
Spotted in a store near Carnaby Street. I met up with my friend Cameron (who also went to Art Center) at Oxford Circus, and we were walking over to eat at Wagamama when we saw this.
Feel the FIERY!Wrath of not one, but TWO Godzilla lamps! I don't know what exactly they're taking out, but it is definitely toast.